Artichoke Basics


Whether you are a gardener or an avid cook, you have probably heard about artichokes. This plant is commonly used as food and is known as the green or French artichoke in the U.S., and the globe artichoke in Europe.

Frequently asked questions

Whether you are a fan of artichokes or are considering growing them, you may have questions about their growing and preparation. Here is some helpful information about this popular vegetable.

Artichokes originated in the Mediterranean region. They require a moist, cool environment for optimal growth. They also like to receive at least six hours of sunlight each day. They do not tolerate very hot weather and are therefore best grown in coastal areas.

Depending on your location, you can harvest artichokes as annual plants or perennials. If you plan on growing them as annuals, they will need to be transplanted to a new location when the artichoke buds have formed. You can do this in late winter, early spring, or late summer.

When you transplant your artichoke plants, you should space them at least six feet apart to allow room for the roots to grow. You should also keep in mind that you will need to give them a lot of water in order to produce the flower buds.


Historically, artichokes are thought to have originated in the Mediterranean basin. They are cultivated in Spain, France, Italy, California, and Louisiana. Spain produces half the artichoke harvest in the world. The other half comes from Egypt and Italy. In the United States, 80 percent of the crop is grown in Monterey County.

During the ancient Greek period, artichokes were widely cultivated in Sicily. They were also cultivated in other parts of Europe. They were regarded as aristocratic vegetables. Ancient Romans used artichokes as a cure for liver disorders. They were also considered a symbol of fertility. They were enjoyed by wealthy Romans. They were prepared with honey and vinegar.

In the medieval period, artichokes were also cultivated in Spain. In the sixteenth century, the Dutch brought artichokes to England. In the seventeenth century, Henry VIII’s garden in Newhall, England, was growing artichokes.

Edible parts

Those who have never eaten an artichoke before might wonder what the different edible parts of an artichoke are. To answer this question, you will need to know that there are three edible parts: the base of the petal, the center of the stem, and the heart. The heart is the sweetest and most delicious part of the artichoke.

Before you can eat the heart, you will need to remove the fuzzy choke from the artichoke. The choke is a fibrous layer of hair that rests just above the heart. You can remove the choke with a spoon or a fork. However, if you don’t remove the choke, you could choke yourself.

The other edible parts of an artichoke include the leaves, which include the inner portion of the stem and the fibrous leaf tops. The leaves can be eaten raw or steamed.


Whether you are growing artichokes or buying them from a farmer, you need to know how to store artichokes in order to keep them fresh. Artichokes can be stored in the refrigerator for up to seven days or frozen for indefinite storage.

When storing artichokes, you must keep them from absorbing moisture. Moisture promotes mold growth and premature spoilage. The best way to prevent this is to properly store artichokes in airtight containers and to avoid moisture between the bracts.

Artichokes need to be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool, dry place. They can be frozen whole or in dry packs. Artichokes should be packed in waxed cartons or perforated plastic film to minimize moisture loss.

When you store artichokes in the refrigerator, they should be cooled and refrigerated at least every three days. This will extend their shelf life and make them last longer.

Health benefits

Whether you are looking to improve your digestion or reduce your blood pressure, you will love the health benefits of artichoke. It is a versatile food that can be eaten raw or cooked.

Artichokes are a source of essential nutrients, including fiber and vitamin C. They also help protect the body against diseases, such as heartburn, and reduce the risk of certain cancers. They also contain choline, which promotes healthy brain cell development in a baby. In addition, they contain magnesium, which is essential for protein synthesis and bone health.

Artichoke extract may protect the liver from harmful toxins. It may also help with arthritis, bladder infections, and high blood pressure. In addition, it can improve the digestion of fats. It has a high antioxidant content, which may help prevent free radical damage to the body. It also reduces the risk of inflammation.