The Rules of Internet Privacy and Security


Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned Internet user, you need to know your rights when it comes to Internet privacy and security. Thankfully, there are some simple rules that you can follow to protect yourself and your family.

Criminal contempt

Depending on the jurisdiction, criminal contempt can be punished summarily in the courtroom, or by a judge’s wrath. The court can appoint an attorney, or release the alleged contemner on bail. In federal cases, the defendant is entitled to a jury trial. In state courts, the defendant is typically detained, released, or sentenced to some amount of community service. The rule of thumb is that the burden of proof lies with the prosecuting attorney.

In the case of the above-mentioned best-case scenario, the court may appoint a government attorney to lead the prosecution or appoint an attorney for the alleged contemner. The appointing authority may be either the court, the district attorney general, or the state attorney general.

Class actions

Tex.R.Civ.P. 42: Class actions is a Texas civil rule. It outlines the requirements for obtaining certification of a class action. Its purpose is to prevent a class action from being filed when the issues are complex. It also attempts to avoid jury confusion.

To obtain certification, a party must establish a common question of law or fact that predominates over questions affecting individual members. This requirement can severely compromise a party’s ability to present viable claims. The court must also consider whether the litigation is complex enough to justify the expense and effort of class representation. Moreover, it must consider the desirability of concentrating the litigation in a particular forum. It can do so by directing potential class counsel to provide information.

Separate issues

Probably the most nebulous of all the plethora of Federal Rules of Court is Federal Rule 42: Separate issues. Aside from the edgy edgy edgy (oh, my, that’s me) plaintiffs, there is nothing to stop a judge from using Rule 42 to her advantage. Moreover, the rule of thumb is that Rule 42 has been used in a large number of cases to date. Considering that, it’s no wonder that the rule of thumb is that the majority of cases are handled by a single Judge. The problem is that a single Judge can churn out a large number of cases in a short span of time.

Misogynistic rules of the internet

Until recently, there was not much discussion of misogynistic rules of the Internet. This is a shame, because these rules, and the communities they create, have far-reaching implications and consequences. Besides contributing to a culture of hate and violence, they also have the potential to undermine efforts to achieve gender equity and good male-female relations.

The online misogyny movement promotes masculinity linked to violence, with emphasis on dominance, power and toughness. These beliefs are a form of information warfare, and their impact extends far beyond the Internet.

“Manosphere” is the term used for social media communities that are hostile towards women. This is a very broad concept, and includes sites like 4chan, which are often misogynistic in nature. These are the kind of groups that have been targeted by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups.