Demolition Field Decks


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Decks with Demolition Field

Before installing a new deck, it must first be taken down—an often daunting task. Depending on its age and where it was attached to concrete footings or posts, removal could require cutting down or completely removing it from its foundations or posts. To safely accomplish this process, precautions and safety rules must be observed. It’s advisable to wear long pants and sleeves, sturdy shoes, gloves, eye and ear protection, and maintain an even stance that does not overreach when working from.

Land destruction can be an extremely effective strategy that can deny your opponent access to casting spells and summoning creatures, rendering their spellcasting and summoning abilities useless against you. Land destruction has long been one of the hallmarks of top Standard decks; this one follows suit by including many methods for land destruction, ranging from Demolition Field and Field of Ruin playsets to Frenzied Tilling, Haphazard Bombardment, Sylvan Primordial, and Memorial to War lands as key pieces.

Additionally, this deck contains numerous valuable lands such as Hall of Storm Giants, Castle Ardenvale, and Forest of Giants that help it compete fairly with four-color decks such as Izzet Murktide or Dragonlord Orazca while simultaneously helping create revolt for Fatal Push or fill the graveyard for Cling to Dust. Demolition Field and Ghost Quarter also make an excellent choice against such strategies due to the compensation feature that allows opponents to search their library for basic land compensation – making these strategies viable choices to combat Izzet Murktide or Dragonlord Orazca decks!

Decks with Invasion

As with any theme deck, this one features intense creature-on-creature combat in order to win its game. It contains plenty of trample creatures, such as Hooded Kavus and Thunderscape Apprentices, to break through your opponent’s defenses; additionally, there are flying creatures to evade removal spells, plus two Rampant Elephants can distract any blockers as your army charges through them!

As for its non-creature side, this deck offers many unique combinations. Dream Thrush and Vodalian Serpent allow you to steal cards to play on your turn, while Phyrexian Slayer devours White blockers before they deal damage. And with Repulse and Recoil, you may even be lucky enough to bring back stolen creatures into your hand!

Use cards such as Virulent Screamer to have non-creature tokens interact with each other and befriend one another. Though this doesn’t have as much of an impact as Bitter Reunion, it still offers some promising possibilities.

As with other uncommon battle cards, this one stands out by having an acceptable mana cost and a transformed form that does a significant amount of work. Unfortunately, though, Standard might still be too fast for it, and so this card might find more success in Legacy or Vintage formats instead.

Decks with Swords to Plowshares

Swords to Plowshares is one of the most excellent creature removal spells ever printed. It can clear away almost every creature with just one color and cost. Unfortunately, its only drawback is that your opponent gains life as they gain life from removal spells like this one, but that price can often be overlooked when such effective removal spells exist.

Swords to Plowshares is an indispensable card in white decks that utilize Swords of Plowshares as a part of their control strategy, providing them with an additional way of keeping up with aggressive decks without needing to sacrifice essential creatures for defensive reasons. Furthermore, its presence allows control decks to establish inevitability using cards such as Moat, Disrupting Scepter, and Jayemdae Tome in order to stop opponents from attacking.

Aggro decks typically enjoy playing Swords to Plowshares, as it doesn’t usually matter that much if one of their creatures gets hit. Indeed, it could sometimes gain value as each turn they get to play different creatures than usual!

Swords to Plowshares is often an ideal option in midrange decks since their creatures often prove immune to its effects. Unfortunately, weenie decks may find other solutions, such as Unmake, to protect their powerful creatures, and spending three mana on something that will only kill a small creature instead of multiple opponents at the same time is often not worth it.

Decks with Assassin’s Trophy

Modern cards must meet an exceptionally stringent standard to earn their place in the format, as they must be cost-effective and robust. One card that fits this criterion ideally is the Assassin’s Trophy. In decks that utilize it effectively, it provides a flexible removal spell capable of targeting artifacts, enchantments, lands—even the elusive Yawgmoth Lord of Elders! Assassin’s Trophy can do both well!

JisOrange won the MTGO Modern Challenge with his Black-Green Rock deck, so Assassin’s Trophy can be an excellent addition for anyone interested in replicating it more closely. Ideal for straight BG decks that incorporate Field of Ruin into their main or combat phase plays, this card can also give them access to basic land-searching capabilities for their library if desired.

However, since it only offers three turns at a time against Jace and Teferi, it may not be an optimal way to deal with them. However, due to its flexibility, it will likely remain an integral component in many green-black decks.