Spring MVC Tutorial


The Spring MVC tutorial teaches how to build web applications using real-world examples. The tutorial is broken into several parts, each building on the previous functionality. It covers everything from how to use a Relational Database to how to use Spring Security. It even covers how to build an approval form using Spring MVC.

Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture

MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture is a pattern for building loosely coupled, flexible web applications. It separates presentation, navigation, and business logic into distinct layers. Models store application data and render responses, while controllers handle user requests and call back-end services. The MVC pattern is also based on the principle of dependency injection. In a typical MVC application, the dispatcher servlet receives a request, consults the handler mapping, and invokes the controller associated with the request.

The Spring MVC framework supports a variety of views, including HTML, JSP, and XML. It also supports custom binding, validation, and the localized date and number binding. In addition, the framework supports JSTL and Velocity without requiring extra bridges.


In the Spring MVC configuration tutorial, you will learn how to configure your Spring MVC application to use the Spring Initializr configuration tool. This tool automatically compiles your project and deploys it to your server. This is excellent news for those attempting to optimize their application’s startup and JSP compilation times. The tutorial includes many examples to assist you.

In addition, this tutorial will teach you how to configure Spring MVC to use a Relational Database and Spring Security. The tutorial is divided into several parts, each building on the previous functionality.


In this Spring MVC tutorial, we’ll cover the topic of handling errors. Spring MVC provides an ExceptionHandler class, which handles exceptions in the MVC context. However, most of the work is done in the doResolveHandlerMethodException() method, which will tell you where the exception came from and provide guidance on how to fix it.

A CustomException class, which has both HTTP status and data to describe an error, will help handle exceptions. This type of exception will help you spread your error characterization logic across multiple layers of code. To use it, add a method to your @ControllerAdvice annotated class.

Common problems

Using Spring MVC is a great way to create dynamic web applications. However, it would help if you understood that some common problems with Spring might arise. For example, when the user unchecks a checkbox, you they encounter an error when trying to submit a form. Luckily, Spring MVC offers features that help you prevent this issue. In addition, this framework minimizes the chances of writing duplicate code.

Spring MVC uses the Model-View-Controller pattern to lay out your web application. Its controllers include a Front Controller and a Model. The Front Controller processes client requests and forwards them to other controllers.


The Spring MVC framework is a free, open-source Java platform that provides comprehensive infrastructure support. It was created by Rod Johnson and was first released under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003. This tutorial is based on the latest Spring Framework version 5.1.34, released in Dec 2021. Designed for Java developers at the intermediate level, it will teach you how to design and build applications using the Spring MVC framework.

The Spring framework has several modules that help you develop and deploy applications. One of these modules is the applicationContext. This object contains information about the environment in which the program runs. For example, it collects information such as the profile, the JNDI, and the JVM system properties.