AIG Life Insurance Reviews


The rates offered by AIG are quite generous, especially if you’re younger than 40. The company also offers a good rate for those with high blood pressure, a smoking history, or a criminal record. The following AIG Life Insurance Reviews will discuss these aspects. You can decide which plan to buy by reading them. The best rates for different age groups, smoking, and blood pressure conditions are listed below. You can also find out how much you can expect to pay for the policy.

Good rates for younger policyholders

Choosing the right life insurance plan is essential for a family, especially for young people. Although the cost of life insurance can seem prohibitive for a young person, everyone must have this type of insurance. AIG offers policies with low premiums and flexible plans. The company prides itself on giving policyholders the best possible rates. Younger policyholders can find better rates with AIG than those who are older.

Another benefit is that AIG has a diverse portfolio of products tailored for different types of families and needs. AIG has made the purchasing process easier by streamlining some policy aspects. Customers can complete certain applications online. In addition, a policyholder can make payments and change their beneficiary details online. This helps policyholders to complete all necessary actions, even when they are not in the office.

AIG has a solid credit rating. Its long-term credit rating is A+. This rating confirms that the company is financially stable. Its ranking is comparable to that of Allstate, Prudential, and MetLife. AIG’s Better Business Bureau rating is A-, although it lost a few points for not responding to a complaint. Still, there are very few complaints against AIG, so you can rest assured that they are one of the safest insurance companies.

AIG offers a variety of different life insurance policies. Term life insurance is a good option for younger policyholders. It provides death benefits over a specified period, typically cheaper than most other life insurance policies. AIG term life insurance covers you for 10, 20, 30, or 35 years and can be tailored to your financial situation. AIG term life insurance rates aren’t the lowest, but they’re consistently better than average compared to other national life insurance companies. Furthermore, it’s important to note that nonsmokers can expect lower rates.

Good rates for smokers

If you smoke, you can still qualify for good life insurance rates with AIG. AIG has relaxed its underwriting rules for smokers and offers smokers the lowest rates. The company also offers life insurance for non-smokers. While you may have to pay more than a non-smoker, you can still get an affordable rate if you smoke a limited amount of cigars.

If you want to compare AIG life insurance quotes for smokers, you should consider a policy that doesn’t require you to undergo a medical exam. AIG life insurance quotes usually require questions about your medical history and general health, as well as your height and weight measurements. You will also be required to have blood pressure, pulse, and urine test. The results of these tests are used to determine the best life insurance rates for smokers.

AIG offers several term insurance plans with different durations. You can choose between a 30-year, 40-year, or 35-year contract. The age limit for smokers depends on the type of policy you’re looking for. The company also has policies for current and former smokers. AIG’s customer ratings aren’t the highest, but the benefits are worth it if you smoke. AIG’s insurance rates for smokers are generally competitive with other life insurance companies.

AIG also offers policies for cigar smokers. If you smoke cigars occasionally, you may be able to qualify for non-smoker life insurance with this company. A smoker must typically quit their tobacco habit for at least a year. Most companies require you to be tobacco-free for two to five years before applying for a policy. By following these guidelines, you can expect to save thousands of dollars.

Good rates for people with treated blood pressure

AIG offers several different types of life insurance, including guaranteed-issue final expense plans. These policies do not require medical underwriting, and their premiums are fixed. However, they have a two-year waiting period before the death benefit kicks in. This means that if you pass away before you reach age 65, the policy will pay out all of the premiums you’ve paid, plus a 10% interest rate, up to the amount of your policy’s face value.

Another factor to consider when looking for life insurance coverage is your overall health. If you are a non-smoker, this may significantly reduce your risk of being declined for a policy. Additionally, life insurance companies consider other factors, such as your age and gender. While high blood pressure increases your heart disease and stroke risk, you can still find good life insurance coverage. AIG life insurance offers a wide range of rates for people with elevated blood pressure.

Good rates for people with a criminal record

Many types of life insurance policies are available for people with a criminal history. Not all companies use the same rules, so it is important to do your homework to make sure you’ll be able to get a policy. For instance, not all insurers will insure you if you have a felony conviction. Other factors that insurers look at include the time since your conviction and whether or not you have successfully rehabilitated.

Fortunately, there are still ways to get good rates for people with a criminal record. Aside from being rejected by most insurers, you may have to search a bit before you find the right policy. While you won’t be able to get life insurance while in prison or on probation, you can still get a group policy through your employer. Or you can try to find a guaranteed issue life insurance policy.

AIG’s underwriting process is flexible and will not automatically decline coverage if you have a prior criminal conviction. Despite their stricter underwriting guidelines, many applicants will find that their criminal records don’t necessarily mean they can’t qualify for coverage. For example, if you’ve been in jail for more than a year, you won’t be able to get life insurance if you’re on probation or have been convicted of a crime within that timeframe.

The best rates for people with a criminal record are those that don’t require a medical exam or a health questionnaire. Misdemeanors don’t impact your premium, but a felony conviction can make it harder to get a policy. In this case, you’ll want to wait until you’ve finished your probation period before applying. You may also want to try a life insurance company specializing in this population.

Before applying for a policy, it is important to contact an insurance broker. Agents have the knowledge and expertise to research all carriers and tailor their policies to your needs. They also understand how different companies treat felony convictions and can recommend high-risk brokers who can help you secure a policy with the best rates possible. After all, you’re looking for an affordable policy.